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TGM and swimming

I never learnt how to swim front crawl until recently, and I started practicing Tetris The Grand Master (TGM) more seriously since it came out on Arcade Archives. These two are strangely linked within my mind. Both are new things that I’ve started in the past year or so.

But it’s not just that. Both take serious practice and dedication, and both of them have lots of little things to focus on. Everything can go pear-shaped very quickly if you slip up.

I’m still not great at front crawl but I’ve got the basics covered at least. There was a point when I thought swimming was utterly impossible for me and that I’d never be able to learn it, but I managed to reach a breakthrough with practice—things just clicked. The same goes for TGM, too—the way the pieces instantly drop in the second half of the game is very different to any other tetrimino game and it takes a lot of getting used to. I thought I wouldn’t ever be able to figure it out, but things somehow started to make sense after trying again and again for a while. Still have a way to go before I will get a clear in TGM though.

Hopefully I’ll be swimming lengths like it’s nothing and also earn a Grand Master rank (or at least get regular clears) in TGM by the end of this year. Not gonna hurry, though—I enjoy doing practice for both, and stressing about making progress isn’t gonna make anything go faster anyway.

By mojilove on 2023-01-20

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