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September 2023: I am the horse master

Little bit late this month because I have been simply exhausted. I did a huge amount of work, I caught some kind of lurgy before a work deadline but managed to recover with enough time to spare, and as always, taking care of three children is not easy even at the best of times. The children have been good but they came down with one kind of lurgy or another for a few weeks in a row. Everyone’s doing okay right now though, thankfully

tokyo game show

I went to TGS for the two business days—this was my first ever time going so it was really exciting! I got to meet lots of people who I had only ever spoken to online, and I got to see the RS34 team live on stage (there’s a vod here). I met up with some other RS34/Milestone fans too, which is nice, because they are kind of few and far between! I also got to play Nice Disc in co-op mode with the developer—that was really fun!

The translation agency I’m registered with sent me the ticket for TGS, and they invited me to visit their office too. I thought it was gonna be a simple little “hello,” but a large number of staff members took time out of their day to speak to me one at a time in person. They all said how they appreciated my work and how they were happy to finally see me (we had only ever corresponded over email or sometimes on the phone until then). I left with a really nice feeling in my heart.

There were so many more people who I wanted to meet, and so many more games that I wanted to play at TGS, but the place is just so big that there is not enough time to see everything. I was very nervous about catching covid, and I quarantined for the weekend after TGS just in case, but thankfully I was okay and could return home without issue. I was lucky this time.

7 december

I have preordered Radirgy 2 and Dodonpachi Daioujou Rinne Tensei, which will both release on the same day: 7 Dec. I got the ultra-special edition of Radirgy 2 because I really want the drama CD that comes with it, and I got the “standard” special edition of DOJ because I’d like to read the interviews in the booklet (looking forward to the soundtrack CD too). Slightly pricy for both, but they’re sort of a special treat—I don’t usually get limited edition releases.


I decided to try getting back into capsule on a whim. I had sort of ignored their discography after More! More! More! because it started to get sort of more bass heavy and less like their earlier work, but after listening to all their albums in a row, I can see how their motifs and instrumentation are present in all their albums—there’s a clear signature sound that has always been there. I’ve warmed up a lot to capsule’s new stuff now, and it feels nice to listen to their old stuff after a while, too.

I want to get the OU soundtrack and the Bomb Rush Cyberfunk soundtrack soon. Ideally, I’d like to play both games, but I don’t really have the time for that.

I listened to the Zanac X Zanac (Zanac Neo) soundtrack for the first time. It’s really good, with k.h.d.n. doing what they do best. I should have given it a spin earlier.

Really sad to hear that Bandcamp has been sold off. I have no idea what the future holds for the company, but I don’t feel it’s in good hands right now... It has a huge catalogue of all kinds of music, with an easy way to keep up to date with and directly support artists. There really isn’t anything like it and it has played an enormous role in the way I enjoy music now.

that’s about it

I haven’t had much energy this month, but I enjoyed writing this blog post at least. I’d like to take more time to write more carefully if I had the extra bandwidth, but I’d rather post something than nothing at all.

Just before I finished writing this, I saw an announcement that calckey.jp will be gone at the end of this year. That’s a shame—the server had a really nice vibe... Gonna have to think about where to put my short JA posts. Maybe I’ll just use the JA side of this blog. Not sure yet.

Anyway, see you next time!

By mojilove on 2023-10-01

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